Thursday, April 26, 2007


I was just sitting at my cubicle trying to work. Suddenly I realized that the crappy radio station we have to listen to has been playing "Everyday is a Winding Road" at least 4-5 times per day. That's when I actually said out loud, "Man, Sheryl Crow Sucks! I wonder if that domain name has been taken?" And so here we are.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, she sucks. Ask Don Henley, Eric Clapton, And Lance Armstrong. That song where she references 'rolling thunder' sounds like a tone-deaf sorority girl on karaoke night. She got her first hit by changing the lyrics in 'Stuck in the Middle with You' to 'All I wanna do'. The video was 75% close-up shots of her lips. Now people actually think she has some artistic integrity? The best three things to come out of her mouth are the three guys mentioned above. It does seem that she's cleverly dated guys in the spotlight to further her own career. She shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence with Petty or Willie. They are unique voices and at least have written great songs. She is a dime a dozen and you could find 20 more like her tonight at some lame-ass karaoke bar. I will give her one thing, she's more talented than Courtney Love.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who thinks Sheryl Crow sucks. Her voice Is Irritating!!!. Songs like "All I Wanna Do" which Is a re-written Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealer's Wheel, shows that she has no original songwriting ability..To sum It up In a nutshell..Sheryl Crow just sucks...that's all I can say..

Anonymous said...

She's better at singing than you, so shut up

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found this site. Sheryl Crow does suck really bad. Her version of "Sweet Child o' Mine" was an abomination. She sings out of tune in a whining, nasal drone that sounds like a banshee stuck in a bear trap. She is one of the worst song writers ever but her hollow voice is what puts me over the edge. Before I knew who she was I would hear songs on the radio and think "damn this person really stinks up the air waves". Then I started finding all these songs I hated on the radio were all written by her. It was no bias against her. She really did suck that bad.

BDrums1971 said...

I really can't stand Sheryl. The thing for me, is her songwriting (or lack thereof). She sang on a Kenny Loggins song (can't remember which one), and she sounded fine. But her original songs are hardly that. They are so cliched and BORING, I can't believe she got popular.

I saw her tonight on Leno, and remembered how bad her songs suck. She was doing Can't Cry Anymore. What a boring lame ass three chord piece of crap excuse for a song. She really is a hack, and it is maddening that REAL artists with songs that have more than three chords, can't get airplay. Radio really sucks!!

Anonymous said...

The worst for me was when Crow butchered Led Zeppelin's D'yer Maker. She sounded exactly like every other no-talent coffehouse douchebag.....but at the time that is exactly what the record companies wanted.

And what's with the two-note riffs??? Sheryl Crow should be mopping floors and scrubbing toilets somewhere....No offense to janitors.

sheryl said...

hello...this is actually sheryl crow posting. I have to ask, not only those who run this site, but those who post on it, what good do you think it possibly does to put such hatred out into the universe. I have not done one thing to a single one of you that should have a negative effect in your life unless you really do not have anything else to concentrate your attention and energy on. I can only tell you that what you put out there you will surely get back. I feel sorry for each one of you. Shame on each of you.

sheryl said...

hello...this is actually sheryl crow posting. I have to ask, not only those who run this site, but those who post on it, what good do you think it possibly does to put such hatred out into the universe. I have not done one thing to a single one of you that should have a negative effect in your life unless you really do not have anything else to concentrate your attention and energy on. I can only tell you that what you put out there you will surely get back. I feel sorry for each one of you. Shame on each of you.

Marlena said...

Hi Sheryl, bored much! Got a thin skin? Got to go check out what people are writing about your sorry ass?

Anonymous said...

Sheryl you assaulted our ears and good taste with your shitty music. You voice is weak and painful. Your lyrics are shallow and cliched. Now you must live in the hell of your own music by having to sing those songs over and over ad naseum. Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

How do you know that?

Anonymous said...

The title of this site says it all.

Unknown said...

It's 2017 and she's still on the radio with that horrible voice of hers! Wtf?!?

Unknown said...

Holy shit, thank god I have an outlet for this. I have loathed this whiny, reedy-voiced hack her entire career. She has zero talent for singing or song writing. Her songs fill me with inexplicable rage; I have walked out of stores to avoid listening to her tripe. How anyone can think this woman has talent or is remotely listenable is beyond me. People have really low standards nowadays.

Unknown said...

I agree with you 100% ,she really does suck so bad.theres one song that plays alot I hate it so bad cause her band altered the guitaring by George Harrison s song my sweet lord.all her songs are sooo boring.with no soul.she is one on the top of my list for one of the worst,along with Taylor swift.way too over rated.

Unknown said...

Thumbs up.i agree totally.

Unknown said...

Haha you took the words right out of my mouth.haha I couldn't have said it better though, haha

Unknown said...

Hahahaha right on!

Unknown said...

We are stressing our hatred to your music.not you personally. Your music is just mainstream crap. It really does suck.its causes us to feel angry that it's played so much on the radio .it's irritating .sorry if your offended.but please respect our opinions.

Unknown said...

Funny cause it fills me with inner rage also.its poison to my soul.and ears.literally.

Unknown said...

I can't believe she and other horrible so called music makers can even stand their own songs.just so mediocre shit.

Unknown said...

I agree.i don't know how good artists would even want to do duets with her.she will just ruin sucks how she's only famous and on the radio cause she was fortunate enough to meet the right connections.certainly not for talent or an having an outstanding voice.lucky bitch.

Unknown said...

Haha and the fuckin radios play it too damn much. Stupid playlists of empty shit they call music.they have no soul. I would feel ashamed of myself to be heard on airways knowing I don't have the real good quality voice...or musical talent it takes to create music that one can say is their favorite band...sooo boring.certainly won't go down in music history along side the very best.

Unknown said...

Hahaha,she doesn't value our opinions. Shes mad at us for voicing them. Said it's going to come back at us! Why should we be punished for that! It shows what kind of person she really is. She can't handle criticism and truth.i hope she comes back to read more.her music does suck big time. It's time she knows the may help her to become talented for real.

Nolan mcmurry said...

I just heard her on Jimmy Fallon 10 years after this site was started she is even worse then before.

Anonymous said...

Was listening to a compilation of James Bond tunes and then I heard her butchering Tomorrow Never Dies. Dude. This is the music CIA uses when waterboarding terrorists.

Anonymous said...

I also can't stand the fact her music is still widely played. I simply don't understand why with all the other music out there that deserves air time.

For years I have listened to her various songs that played and really tried to find some aspect I like in them. Her first album was good at the time but that was 20+ years ago. There is nothing new! The chords are the same, the lyrical style is the same, and that voice is the same.

Within seconds I identify this is a SC song and make all efforts to change it since I cant even listen to a full song of hers. (Ugh, that voice)

Sorry Sheryl, you have made your millions. Hang up your spurs. (The ones you've used for years to get ahead in the industry.)

Reaper210 said...

Fucking annoying bitch

Smeagol said...

I have long held that Sheryl Crow is one of the least talented song writers of all time. I mean, listen to her lyrics. They're really terrible! All cliches and silly rhymes. Man, she is one of the least talented singers of the last 30 years! Christ!

I too, work in a place that plays her music far too often.

Anonymous said...

About the only decent hit song she ever did was a duet with Sting " Always on your side" . She later did it as a solo. Sting held back so much to not overshadow the poor voice of Sheryl Crow. YouTube the video and listen to how effortlessly Sting sings while Sheryl strains to be heard.

Sheryl is a background singer and wannabee. Most of her "fans" have little musical appreciation of what is a good song or what is a good singer. Those fans probably had kids that liked Selena Gomez, Miley Virus Cyrus, Justin Bieber, J-Lo, Pitbull, and the rest of the this generational of AutoTune wannabees. Real good pop rock died in to 1980s for the most part. Rap is crap and hip hop is marginal at best.

Anonymous said...

The only good thing about the music of Sheryl Crow is that any other sound is pleasant in comparison -kids having tantrums and screaming sounds so much better than the vocal menstruation of Ms Crow.

john Cage said...

i was thinking of her voice as a ringing bell with no clapper. She seems to have studied angst. I came up with...the other retardo from Cape Gerardeau...Rush being the other...
i just think she is one of the pin up girls, one of the leading nouveau, non descript voices..clogging the late and early 20th/21st century airwaves, which are meaningless, too. thanks u-tube, sirius-XM, I-tunes, spotify.....why listen to SC anyway?
when human experience is adumbrated the precious voice follows. She should have stayed Las Vegas for at least 3 years, fallen on the floor at Ted Binions, woke up in a dumpster, shot dope and sold her body...her voice would be animated with a little more truth.....a little more Truth there, Sheryl....a little more.

Anonymous said...

To sorority girls she's a goddess, but to those who actually know the difference between good music and shitty radio-filler music she is just a headache to listen to. For real musicians that have soul her shit is torture. Please stop singing and writing terrible songs, Sheryl. You're hurting the intelligence of our female youth and you're making American music devolve in a very, very bad way.

Shields of Shame said...

LoL.. No bro.. It's a true story.. She does suck.. Loads and loads.. Huge big sloppy loads and she swallows.. A lot.. I mean she sucks and swallows a whole lot.. Even chokes.. Oh her music? Is that what you call that ragedy ass shit?? Wtfe

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks she looks like a guy? Is she a transwomen?

Anonymous said...

One only has to hear her live performance of James Gangs "Walk Away"

It's criminal. We should press charges.

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys really need to get a life. It's pretty obvious you must hate your life so much you need to demean someone in this way...and for what reason? Does this make you feel better? What good does this do? I truly feel sorry for all of you. Rock on you girl!

Anonymous said...

She's hot as hell. Go Sheryl.

Anonymous said...

jesus motherfucking christ

Anonymous said...

Sheryl Crow and this new "release" with Johnny Cash and this "duet"

Ugh. I'm pretty ticked off about this. She's hit my last nerve with this so called "country move" of hers. She's just trying to find a way to stay relevant. Did you know she's also selling a clothing line on QVC?????


This just feels so disrespectful and opportunistic. Johnny Cash singing one of her songs should be enough. Ugh. At some point I hope Country music can find it's bottom with all these imposters.

Anonymous said...

Just finished listening to the Military Caregivers Concert in Indianapolis and was blow away with what a horrible pitchy, nasally, breathy singer she is. I've never really listened to her before, but if today's concert is a true example of what level of talent she has, I don't know how she was ever signed to a record label. She doesn't enunciate, so most of her words you can't even make out. And now,t release a song with her singing Redemption Song with Johnny Cash - what a travesty! Guess it's all about who you know! She certainly doesn't know music.

Anonymous said...

I Googled Sheryl Crow is tone deaf, and came up with this site. Nice to see there are other people who realize this. At my job, they primarily play Adult Contemporary (a format that I have never known anyone to listen to, certainly not fans of music), and Ms. Crow is lumped in with this bunch. She is a dreadful songwriter, and an even worse singer. She's always straining to hit notes that she can't. It is quite grating. She's been handed awards! Including some by the very same people who deemed Jethro Tull best Heavy Metal act (over Metallica). She's appeared on a few episodes of the sitcom Cougar Town. I'm assuming this was a favor to someone, or maybe Courtney Cox is a huge fan. She made a terrible actress, and stuck out like a sore thumb. I couldn't finish the series, but I'd be shocked if they asked her back. So, in summation, can't sing, can't write, can't act. And I'm sure she's filthy rich.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I understand that music is subjective. What appeals to one person, may not appeal to someone else. But, quite simply, Sheryl Crow just isn't talented.

Eldush said...

If she was any good she wouldn't have to scream every song she sings. That is why she was and still should be a back up singer. She must have good head skills or a golden vajayjay

Anonymous said...

Sheryl Crow is the most annoying person I have ever had the displeasure of listening to. I actually suffered through "All I Wanna Do" the other day -- yes, they still play it on the radio for some Ungodly reason -- I have been angry inside ever since. That is what her music does to people, makes them angry. She is awful!

Anonymous said...

All I did was flip the channel elsewhere after she opened her mouth for the Today Show Friday concert; strained really hard to remember what she'd been famous for; and then Googled " Sheryl Crow sucks" strictly just to vent. And then this page came up. Thanks all around. It felt like an AA meeting--I am not alone.

She annoys me to death. That is all.

photoglyph said...

I think Sheryl Crow is the musical equivalent of the 'Friends' TV program; I can proudly say I've never watched an episode of it. The same, however, cannot be said about hearing Sheryl Crow's songs.

photoglyph said...

Something I posted on a website for the band, The Church, years ago:

Someone had asked which Church album should be nominated for a Grammy and I replied

"With the likes of Sheryl Crow and if Im not mistaken, Alannis Morrisette being nominated for Grammies, I fear The Church may be far too esoteric for so dubious an honor."

Unknown said...

Fuck Her.

Anonymous said...

She was shocked when NARAS ignored her album of bland duets, Threads. She thought she was going to get an Album of the Year nod. She then tweeted that NARAS ignored her liner notes that explained that she was a girl from a small town who got to play with her musical heroes...And that Grammy discriminated against old people. She then deleted the dumb tweet. For years Grammys have been accused of ignoring young talent and focusing too much on "older" acts. She's sounds angry that she's irrelevant. She's always namedropping. Johnny Cash recirds one of her cliche-ridden songs - Cash covered many people's songs. But she had to create a fake duet with him to show off.

Anonymous said...

Drowning out some Sheryl Crow with white noise as I type this. She seems like a decent enough person, but her music somehow manages to be simultaneously boring and insufferable. I'll never understand the appeal.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she's a liberal snowflake

Anonymous said...

Horrible person, horrible voice

Anonymous said...

she does suck.

Anonymous said...

october 2020.....still sucking. there is no end to the suck apparently.

Anonymous said...

she does suck. i saw a video of her doing a stevie ray vaughan song and it sucked so bad. I cannot believe doyle bramhall let that her degrade SRV song. Shame on you Doyle

Anonymous said...

SHe just sucks.

Anonymous said...

SHe just sucks.

Anonymous said...

Just putrid

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I found this site. I cannot stand this woman. She can't sing-she just screeches and shrieks through every song she attempts to sing. Leaving Las Vegas is the absolute worst-I actually would like the song if a singer actually sang it. If one of her "songs" comes on the station I'm listening to at the time, I'll risk wrecking my car to change it. Yuck! What drugs do people take to find her anything even close to appealing??? I wish she'd just go away and stay away! Totally talentless.

Unknown said...

I dont know Sheryl do you like to steal people's names like Tyson and put them into your songs?

Unknown said...

Hey Sheryl, Tyson wants to know if you'll ever do anything for him. No Not Mike Tyson. Or were you talking about Tysons corner. Oh yeah that's it. Lo fi pioneer, Tysons corner, go to school get a young girlfriend daddy too. Really like the lyric swap Sell all the House? Ha ha really,

Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl,

Do you like the band Widespread Panic? Maybe you should take notes on what music is.

Anonymous said...

Cheryl crow is a nasty thieving cunt

Anonymous said...

for me it's this......

"if it makes you happeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........."

just that. fucking horrible.

Unknown said...

Bud has cp on his pc

Chelsea. Moore said...

I absolutely agree. Very depressing.

blah said...

I have nothing personal against Sheryl Crow. HGTV is who am am annoyed with for playing “everyday is a winding road” for ads for the show Hometown. That songs gets played every commercial break. My idea of hell would be listening to that song played 24 hours a day for all eternity!

blah said...

I have nothing personal against Sheryl Crow. HGTV is who am am annoyed with for playing “everyday is a winding road” for ads for the show Hometown. That songs gets played every commercial break. My idea of hell would be listening to that song played 24 hours a day for all eternity!

blah said...

I have nothing personal against Sheryl Crow. HGTV is who am am annoyed with for playing “everyday is a winding road” for ads for the show Hometown. That songs gets played every commercial break. My idea of hell would be listening to that song played 24 hours a day for all eternity!

blah said...

I have nothing personal against Sheryl Crow. HGTV is who am am annoyed with for playing “everyday is a winding road” for ads for the show Hometown. That songs gets played every commercial break. My idea of hell would be listening to that song played 24 hours a day for all eternity!

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gilbert. Write that name down and if you ever come across Sheryl in person, scream that in her face "KEVIN GILBERT!"

He was a multi-talented musician who was dating her in the early 90's before her record came out. She had already recorded a bunch of songs that were rejected by the record company. Rejected.

Kevin invited her to a gathering of real musicians called, you guessed it "Tuesday Night Music Club". Kevin and the other musicians rewrote all the songs, created arrangements, and generally covered up her non-existent talent.

When the record was about to be released, she informed them that their efforts were no longer needed and they would not be part of her band as had been promised earlier.

Kevin died tragically a few years later.

Google Joel Selvin, Sheryl Crow, Kevin Gilbert for the whole heartbreaking story.

So in addition to her terrible career (which was all based on this one record) as has been noted by all the great posts above, she is a horrible human being as well. she claimed credit for writing "Leaving Las Vegas" which was brought to the group by David Baerwald who heard it from another artist.

Yes, Sheryl Crow sucks and its a very good thing people have woken up to that.

Unknown said...

I was looking up information on the HGTV show Hometown and came across this site. So sad. The lady is human and has feelings. I just hope she's strong enough to overlook and overcome.

All mixed up said...

I always thought it was just me. But I truly do not hear any appealing qualities to her singing voice. Though some of her music is somewhat catchy. I have no personal knowledge of her as a person, not a personal dig at her.

Anonymous said...

Strong Enough is a decent song. the rest, eh... but if you have problems with Sheryl's music you should listen more michael bolton songs and suddenly you will find her pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I have never liked Sheryl Crow, and seeing her on Eric Clapton's Guitar Festivals pisses me off every time. Usually just singing, but sometimes feigning keyboard or guitar. Couldn't hear her playing! Sharing the stage with an actual talented woman, Susan Tedeschi.

flycar817 said...

For me, Sheryl Crow makes bubblegum music: It's nice in the background if you're not paying attention, but focus on it and pretty quickly you see that it's junk. I'd like to say that I have no idea how she has hit records, but the music industry has become such crap that she fits right in. Sad.

Unknown said...

So true. She is the queen of Mediocre

Anonymous said...

She's also a genuinely awful person. I'm a Realtor, and I helped her tour manager find a home in Nashville. She joined us for a couple of showings, and when I corrected her misconception about nearby places being duplexes, she was furious. She made him fire me (he told me he didn't have a choice on the phone the next day), then he bought the home I was showing them from a different Realtor. My wife, a huge Shery Crow fan and a disabled person, was brokenhearted over it. Someone who would use their power to make that happen isn't a good person, no matter how much she babbles on about global warming.

Unknown said...

Absolutely yes!!!! Hahaha she's sucks like my dog having to lick her ass....and freakin God do they ever praise and make over her.....she's soo trashy and can take her speedo dude and walk off the face of the world!!!!

Unknown said...

Maybe she's talking about chicken!!! Hahaha yeah ...maybe she's cramming chicken 🐔 nuggets in her face!!! Hahaha..well anyway she is beyond irattatting!!!! You truly suck Sheryl crow!!!!!

Unknown said...

They actually honored her in Columbia mo at the roots and blue's festival just because she is much alumni....sooo freakin disgusting

Anonymous said...

I have never been a fan of Sheryl crow.Besides her glaring lack of talent,she,like so many,seems to derive her sense of importance from rubbing elbows with the real music legends.I can recall her horning in on a performance of the Levon helm band..embarrassing to say the least.And yes,her lyrics are as full of cliches and devoid of experiential substance as any I’ve ever heard.And her voice is about as inspired and passionate as the drone of a vintage vacuum cleaner.The biggest turnoff for me is hearing her idiotic feministic comments on gender and the music industry.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Sheryl had a good run in pop/rock from the moment she she stepped on the stage at Woodstock '94 to the moment she stepped on the stage at Woodstock '99. Her first 3 albums are good. After that I think she struggled to understand her place amongst all the young girls (Aguilera, Spears, Shakira, even Shania) being all about sex basically. Shania in those catsuits, remember that? Those days were all about fake you-know-whats, tramps stamps, and belly piercings. I do think it would be cool if she had found a steady guy. The carousel of guys she went through seems kind of cliche for an "it" girl. Mayer, Kid Rock, really? I do have a friend that met her while she was in treatment with regard to cancer and he said she was a very nice person, and she appears to care a lot for her kids. So, to sum it up, Sheryl Crow had a good run and was fun for 4-5 years, did some things many women have never achieved during that time in rock, and wasn't a complete schlocky sellout since. I think she still has something to offer to music and hope she stays inspired.

Anonymous said...

Have to step in here... Her first album basically no one knew about, and it sunk. Tuesday Night Music Club was not her at all other than the singing clearly. The writing, the music, everything, was this group of guys, namely Kevin Gilbert. Sure they barely got some credit, when it should have been the other way around. People don't know this because she did her best to keep people from knowing about it. Sheryl was 31 at the time and should have been more mature, more human about that. Instead, she was basically a lying bitch, facts are facts, and she left the group of guys that did so much for her in the dust. The album should have just been named Tuesday Night Music Club (a band), Like The Bangles, or The Pretenders, or The Cranberries (rock bands with other famous female singers). Sheryl wagged her pouty lips and shook her little ass, grabbed the cash and then road the pogo stick with famous celebs. And yes Sheryl, I know Kevin passed in the late 90s, and had problems. It's just the case of someone falling short of what you think they really are (not the most innocent little hottie from small town SE Missou). The guys in Tuesdays totally expected they'd be touring , to the point of buying new equipment. Nope, she took what she needed and took essentially all the credit, at least publicly and in interviews, to the point of being really strange. She even lied about songs being autobiographical when they were not. It was easier to lie back then. All this is so important because if you take 93-95 out of the mix for her, and all that catchy popular music, she's just another hot chick trying to make it in music, and "Sheryl Crow" self titled never happens. Contrast this with a band like the Grateful Dead. They always talk about songwriter Robert Hunter, and insisted he go in the Rock n' Roll HOF with them. He was always part of their circle, publicly credited, etc. "Globe" onward is not special, and I think this proves other than a cute look and Home Shopping Club bell bottoms, she is not as special or talented as many other female performers out there. Someone like Neko Case is just one example, incredible voice and more quirky and fun. This feels so negative, but I believe it is fair and accurate.

snoopies622 said...

Personally i blame not Sheryl Crow for my misery (she's just trying to make a buck in music) but the owners of my local grocery store who have the worst taste in music humanly possible and force me to hear her every time i wanna buy milk for my coffee.

bazookajoey said...

On my deathbed I will lament that I had to be exposed to her songs.

Anonymous said...

not going after her personally....her music just misses for me - doesn't hit me, move me. that magic that you feel from some songs/artists - don't get that from her songs/her. sure many others do. it's cool. all subjective

Anonymous said...

Gag! She is on GMA today! Ugh! Do you want some cheese with that whine? She thinks she is such a good singer! Delusional!

Anonymous said...

She sucks incredibly well, there are very few “ musicians “ who are so infatuated with themselves.
her need for recognition and her compulsion for self promotion is horrific, and the fact that she’s able to mention artists like Keith Richards amongst many others makes me want to cut her throat and piss in her belly.
What a self centered see you next Tuesday

Don Treadwell said...

The weird thing is that on most of her songs - she doesn't even sing. She just sort of says the words. Sure she sings sometimes, but if you go through her albums and sample them (yuck) she hardly ever actually sings. Just that same weird voice, lilting barely, sounding the same, same, same, same, over and over. I will give her one song. "Strong Enough." I really, honestly do like that song. So, for me, Sheryl Crow is a one hit wonder. She might even have been good to go see at a club or lounge somewhere. The fact that she made it so big just proves the vast majority of human beings have no musical sense whatsoever. Another one I put in the same class? Cher. Again, I'm certain Cher would've been entertaining at some lounge or a small club. But that she is somehow recognized as some world class talent... it boggles the mind. Then there was Jade. And Billie Eillish (or however it's spelled). Oh well. The one big Grammy winner that I did agree with was Amy Winehouse. To this day her music still impresses me. So not all Grammy winners suck (IMO). Just most of them lmao.

Anonymous said...

I can’t imagine working at a supermarket and being forced to listen to her annoying music over and over. Absolute hell. Her double-tracked (or more) vocals are the worst.

Anonymous said...

Sheryl Crow.... YOU SUCK.....

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheryl hope you still use 3 sheets to wipe

Anonymous said...

So everyone feels better about this now?

Anonymous said...

I know and worked with Sheryl. She knows she’s a total slut that sucked and fucked to get there first MJ then Phillengaines then Clapton then Henley who finally got her a deal after all the turn downs then she fucked over everyone she could …. Like the kid who hung hinself…. All truth

Sreb said...

It's 2023 and I googled Sheryl Crow sucks. Because she does. She's still out there, pretending to be something she's not. Her and Avril Lavigne should just move in together and start the "I SUCK" party.....
Someone please tell radio stations to stop playing her. Please. For the sake of all out ears.

Anonymous said...

It's July 19, 2023 and I googled Cheryl Crow Sucks after learning she "tried" to slam Jason Aldean for his awesome new song, "Try that in a small town". Apparently, Cheryl Crow really does SUCK!

Evey said...

That duet with Skid Crock was murderously awful. Just pure torture. Shrill, whiny-ass voice and awful grating tone. He actually somehow sounds better.

Anonymous said...

😂🤣 SHE DOES SUCK ON SOOOOOO MANY LEVELS!!! if you think you’re such a great singer, stay in your lane and sing your awful songs,, Sheryl!

Sherylisawhore said...

This stupid talentless cunt isn't even worth the time to hate on. Total indifference is what she deserves. It is enough to say publicly "Fuck you bitch" for dropping yet another shitty record, and going on with my musical life. There are just too many more exciting things going on off the corporate radar. Lots of good artists out there, but you have to look for them instead of swallowing the forced fed garbage of mass media. Twenty plus years on of her noise pollution. My gawd,how does she even still have a career at this point?

Anonymous said...

I just saw her music video for "if it makes you happy" for the second time and I never realized how similar she started looking to Gwen, Taylor, and any other female artist that wears a lot of red lipstick. I expected a lot from that video, guess It's my fault for ever giving her a chance. She's no different from the other talentless garbage.

Anonymous said...

I played in Cashmere with her while she finished her college at MU. Cover band, that played local clubs and frats/sororities. I had just come off the road touring with a band, and needed the $$. We did OK. The frats paid the best, and she and her boyfriend Mike were the singers. She was a born again Christian, and we even prayed before gigs, and one time had to pray for Mike during a break because he thought the audience was evil. I never thought twice when the band broke up, until I was diving and heard a familiar voice on a top 40 station. I rushed to a music store to find out if it was her. It was, and she had signed with some major record company.

From that time...until today I have felt disturbed by her music. For me it is adolescent and has been the whole time. The same with her "publicized" interviews. She has a way of drawing the attention to herself, and then acting like it is no big deal, except when she is name dropping or glamming onto another celebrity. The Grammy's she got are a complete joke, being more promotional driven record company deals. She is marketable. She has chosen the way of fame and fortune, and deserves the shallow life she has. "Everyday is a lets get more Sherly Crow out there." Henry Rollins had the best relationship with her!!

The new 62 year old Sheryl presents a person that really has come to know herself. Why is this interesting. Everyone at that age does. Her biography movie, is another self promoting, narrow minded, waste. If you read this Sheryl, I tried several times to get in touch with you, to see if you were reachable as a human, but never had the chance. I have no sour grapes, because my life turned out ok. I am 72 now and have a normal middle of the road, regular life. I don't need all the props everyday to stay alive. My advice to you still is...get out of that stinking business, quit complaining that someone is going to make a penny from one on your songs, get a real job and devote your life to the well-being of others. You have a lot of money to get rid of. Find places that need it and give it away. Join the rest of the human race, before it is too late to stop fooling yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yea, she sucks bad. Her songs are “quirky”, which in her mind makes her creative and smart. She’s neither.

Anonymous said...

She sucks!!! And she’s stupid

Anonymous said...

Suck a dock Sheryl! Elon puts you to shame. Go find a winding road to drive off of.

Anonymous said...

That was suck a dick, but I doubt anyone would let you. Has been that never was. Your music was a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

I agree she's a piece of shit